Example: Basic code sample to use Split's JavaScript SDK to attach feature flag names and treatments as SesisonCam Custom Variable and enable Session Search via Field filter.
- Split Javascript SDK 10.9.0
- SessionCam Web Javascript Snippet
How to use:
- The code below implements both Split and SessionCam's Javascript libraries, assuming both libraries are loaded in the header section
- The Split SDK is wrapped with the class SplitIO
- Make sure to update the key and authorizationKeyfields in the factory initialization
- Split treatments are calculated for a list of feature flag names defined in an array variable splitNames
- Make sure to update the array with the correct feature flag names
- Once the treatments are fetched, the script use window.sessioncamConfiguration.customDataObjects to add the flag names as a custom variable name and the respective treatments as the value
- A prefix of split. is added to each feature flag name in the below example.
To view the correlated sessions in SessionCam, use the Advanced filter:
1. Add new filter in the Advanced Filters tab.
2. Select Field Value option as a filter
3. Select which feature flag you like to filter. You can enter split. and SessionCam displays the available stored variable names.
4. The filter value can be any value of treatments logged, for example to view all sessions with users who received the on treatment, set the value to on.
Example Javascript code:
class SplitIO {
constructor() {
this.factory = splitio({
core: {
authorizationKey: 'BROWSER API KEY',
key: userId,
storage: {
this.client = this.factory.client();
this.client.on(this.client.Event.SDK_READY, () => {
applyFeatureFlags(featureNames) {
return this.client.getTreatments(featureNames);
destroySplit() {
function calculateTreatments() {
splitNames=["sample_feature", "show_coupon", "enable_search"];
treatments = mySplit.applyFeatureFlags(splitNames);
if (!window.sessioncamConfiguration)
window.sessioncamConfiguration = new Object();
if (!window.sessioncamConfiguration.customDataObjects)
window.sessioncamConfiguration.customDataObjects = [];
var split_treatments ={};
for (var i = 0; i < splitNames.length; i++) {
console.log(splitNames[i]+": "+treatments[splitNames[i]]);
var item = {
key: "Split."+splitNames[i],
value: treatments[splitNames[i]]
var mySplit = new SplitIO();
if (!mySplit.isSDKReady) {
console.log("Split not ready yet");
mySplit.client.on(mySplit.client.Event.SDK_READY, () => {
} else {
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