The Live tail functionality within Data hub gives development teams a single place to view and query all impression and event data. With Live tail, development teams can:
- Add query criteria to refine the stream of impressions and events
- View impressions and events in real-time
- View raw JSON payload for debugging in Split and 3rd party integrations
This feature allows teams, for example, to check if a feature flag is being evaluated properly or events are being received from data integrations.
Query impressions
After installing Split’s SDKs and setting up a feature flag, impressions generate via the getTreatment
call. To view these impressions in Live tail, do the following:
- From the navigation bar, click Data hub.
- Select which data type to view. Impressions are selected by default.
- Click the Query button. Impressions begin flowing.
- Pause or resume paying data at any time.
- Apply column headers as filters by clicking Add query criteria.
- Once selected, click the Query button again.
- It is a live query, which means it will only show impressions/events that are hitting Split’s servers at that moment. If you leave and return to the live tail page, you will need to restart the query, so consider opening it in a separate tab if needed.
- When an impression or event is generated at the SDK level it is not posted right away. It is queued and then posted back to Split in batches. The periodicity for this task is dictated by the value of impressionsRefreshRate in the SDK factory configuration. The default value for impressionsRefreshRate varies significantly across SDKs (i.e. 60 seconds for browser, 30 minutes for mobile, etc…), so be sure to check the documentation for the SDK you are using.
- SDKs run by default in an optimized impression mode. This means that no duplicate impressions (determined by key/feature flag/treatment/rule) are sent within a one-hour time window. If the same key is evaluated for the same feature flag over and over again using a single running SDK instance, those impressions are likely to be deduplicated and not be sent after the first one.
- For short-lived tests you’ll need to either grant the SDK time to post events/impressions according to its schedule, or properly destroy the factory (which will flush pending events and impressions) before exiting your code.
Live tail can also be accessed on the feature flag page under the Live tail tab, where impressions automatically filter down to that specific feature flag.
Learn more about impressions in Split.
Query events
After installing Split’s SDKs and calling track() or configuring a data integration, events are passed to Split. To view these events in Live tail, do the following:
- From the navigation bar, click Data hub.
- Click the data type selector and click Events.
- Click the Query button. Events begin flowing.
- Pause or resume paying data at any time.
- Apply column headers as filters by clicking *Add query criteria.
- Once selected, click the Query button again.
Learn more about events in Split.
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