This guide provides detailed information about our Angular utilities built on top of our JavaScript Browser SDK. An Angular Service and an Angular Guard are provided in this utilities in ESM2020, FESM2020 and FESM2015 module formats. The service provides an easy way to interact with the underneath SDK and work towards any use cases through simplified methods. You can also import from this utilities an Angular Guard to wait for SDK to be ready.
All of our SDKs are open source. Go to our Angular Utilities GitHub repository to see the source code.
Language support
These utilities guarantee support with Angular v15.2.10 or later.
Set up Split in your code base with the following two steps:
1. Import the utilities into your project
Import the utilities into your project using the following NPM command:
npm install --save @splitsoftware/splitio-angular@3.0.0
2. Instantiate the service
import { SplitService } from '@splitsoftware/splitio-angular';
const sdkReady = false;
// Inject service
constructor(private splitService: SplitService){}
// Instantiate the Service
public initPlugin() {
// Create the config for the plugin.
const sdkConfig = {
core: {
authorizationKey: 'YOUR_SDK_KEY',
key: 'key'
// init method returns an observable for sdk readiness
this.splitService.init(sdkConfig).subscribe(() => {
this.sdkReady = true
Notice for TypeScript
With the SDK package on NPM, you get the SplitIO namespace, which contains useful types and interfaces for you to use.
Feel free to access the declaration files if IntelliSense is not enough.
We recommend instantiating the service once as a singleton and reusing it throughout your application.
Configure the service with the SDK key for the Split environment that you would like to access. The SDK key is available in the Split UI, on your Admin settings page, API keys section. Select a client-side SDK API key. This is a special type of API token with limited privileges for use in browsers or mobile clients. See API keys to learn more.
Using the service
Basic use
When the SDK is instantiated, it starts background tasks to update an in-memory cache with small amounts of data fetched from Split servers. This process can take up to a few hundred milliseconds depending on the size of data. If the SDK is asked to evaluate which treatment to show to a customer for a specific feature flag while its in this intermediate state, it may not have the data necessary to run the evaluation. In this case, the SDK does not fail, rather, it returns the control treatment.
To make sure the SDK is properly loaded before asking it for a treatment, block until the SDK is ready, as shown below. You can subscribe to splitService.sdkReady$
observable provided by splitService before asking for an evaluation.
After the observable calls back, you can use the getTreatment
method to return the proper treatment based on the FEATURE_FLAG_NAME
and the key
variable you passed when instantiating the SDK.
Then use an if-else-if block as shown below and insert the code for the different treatments that you defined in the Split user interface. Remember the final else branch in your code to handle the client returning control.
this.splitService.sdkReady$.subscribe(() => {
const treatment: SplitIO.Treatment = this.splitService.getTreatment('FEATURE_FLAG_NAME');
if (treatment == "on") {
// insert code here to show on treatment
} else if (treatment == "off") {
// insert code here to show off treatment
} else {
// insert your control treatment code here
Attribute syntax
To target based on custom attributes, the splitService's getTreatment
method needs to be passed an attribute map at runtime.
In the example below, we are rolling out a feature to users. The provided attributes plan_type
, registered_date
, permissions
, paying_customer
, and deal_size
are passed to the getTreatment
call. These attributes are compared and evaluated against the attributes used in the rollout plan as defined in the Split user interface to decide whether to show the on
or off
treatment to this account.
The getTreatment
method supports five types of attributes: strings, numbers, dates, booleans, and sets. The proper data type and syntax for each are:
- Strings: Use type String.
- Numbers: Use type Number.
Dates: Use type Date and express the value in
milliseconds since epoch
Note: Milliseconds since epoch is expressed in UTC. If your date or date-time combination is in a different timezone, first convert it to UTC, then transform it to milliseconds since epoch. - Booleans: Use type Boolean.
- Sets: Use type Array.
const attributes: SplitIO.Attributes = {
// date attributes are handled as `millis since epoch`
registered_date: new Date('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ').getTime(),
// this string will be compared against a list called `plan_type` or against another string
plan_type: 'growth',
// this number will be compared agains a number value called `deal_size`
deal_size: 10000,
// this array will be compared against a set called `permissions`
permissions: ['read', 'write']
const treatment: SplitIO.Treatment = this.splitService.getTreatment('FEATURE_FLAG_NAME', attributes);
if (treatment === 'on') {
// insert on code here
} else if (treatment === 'off') {
// insert off code here
} else {
// insert control code here
You can pass your attributes in exactly this way to the splitService.getTreatments
Multiple evaluations at once
In some instances, you may want to evaluate treatments for multiple feature flags at once. Use the different variations of getTreatments
from the Split client to do this.
: Pass a list of the feature flag names you want treatments for. -
: Evaluate all flags that are part of the provided set name and are cached on the SDK instance. -
: Evaluates all flags that are part of the provided set names and are cached on the SDK instance.
const flagNames = ['FEATURE_FLAG_NAME_1', 'FEATURE_FLAG_NAME_2'];
const treatments: SplitIO.Treatments = this.splitService.getTreatments(flagNames);
// treatments will have the following form:
// {
// FEATURE_FLAG_NAME_2: 'visa'
// }
const treatments: SplitIO.Treatments = this.splitService.getTreatmentsByFlagSet('frontend');
// treatments will have the following form:
// {
// FEATURE_FLAG_NAME_2: 'visa'
// }
const flagSetNames = ['frontend', 'client_side'];
const treatments: SplitIO.Treatments = this.splitService.getTreatmentsByFlagSets(flagSetNames);
// treatments will have the following form:
// {
// FEATURE_FLAG_NAME_2: 'visa'
// }
Get treatments with configurations
To leverage dynamic configurations with your treatments, use the getTreatmentWithConfig
method. This method returns an object with the structure below:
type TreatmentResult = {
treatment: string,
config: string | null
From the object structure, the config is a stringified version of the configuration JSON defined in the Split user interface. If no configuration is defined for a treatment, the SDK returns null
for the config parameter. This method takes the same set of arguments as the standard getTreatment
method. Refer to the examples below for proper usage:
const treatmentResult: SplitIO.TreatmentWithConfig = this.splitService.getTreatmentWithConfig('FEATURE_FLAG_NAME', attributes);
const configs = JSON.parse(treatmentResult.config);
const treatment = treatmentResult.treatment;
if (treatment === 'on') {
// insert on code here and use configs here as necessary
} else if (treatment === 'off') {
// insert off code here and use configs here as necessary
} else {
// insert control code here
If you need to get multiple evaluations at once, you can also use the getTreatmentsWithConfig
methods. These methods take the exact same arguments as the getTreatments methods but return a mapping of feature flag names to TreatmentResults objects instead of strings. Example usage below.
const featureFlagNames = ['FEATURE_FLAG_NAME_1', 'FEATURE_FLAG_NAME_2'];
const treatmentResults: SplitIO.TreatmentsWithConfig = this.splitService.getTreatmentsWithConfig(featureFlagNames);
// treatmentResults will have the following form:
// {
// FEATURE_FLAG_NAME_1: {treatment: 'on',
// config: "{ 'color' : 'red'}}",
// FEATURE_FLAG_NAME_2: {treatment: 'v2',
// config: "{ 'copy' : 'better copy'}}",
// }
const treatmentResults: SplitIO.TreatmentsWithConfig = this.splitService.getTreatmentsWithConfigByFlagSet('frontend');
// treatmentResults will have the following form:
// {
// FEATURE_FLAG_NAME_1: {treatment: 'on',
// config: "{ 'color' : 'red'}}",
// FEATURE_FLAG_NAME_2: {treatment: 'v2',
// config: "{ 'copy' : 'better copy'}}",
// }
const flagSetsNames = ['frontend', 'client_side'];
const treatmentResults: SplitIO.TreatmentsWithConfig = this.splitService.getTreatmentsWithConfigByFlagSets(flagSetsNames);
// treatmentResults will have the following form:
// {
// FEATURE_FLAG_NAME_1: {treatment: 'on',
// config: "{ 'color' : 'red'}}",
// FEATURE_FLAG_NAME_2: {treatment: 'v2',
// config: "{ 'copy' : 'better copy'}}",
// }
Call the splitService.destroy()
method before letting a process using the SDK exit, as this method gracefully shuts down the Split SDK by stopping all background threads, clearing caches, closing connections, and flushing the remaining unpublished impressions.
// You can just destroy and remove the variable reference and move on:
splitService = null;
// destroy() returns a promise, so if you want to, for example,
// navigate to another page without losing impressions, you
// can do that once the promise resolves.
splitService.destroy().then(function() {
splitService = null;
After destroy()
is called and finishes, any subsequent invocations to getTreatment
or manager methods result in control
or empty list, respectively.
A call to the destroy()
method also destroys the splitService object. When creating new client instance, first initialize the service again.
Use the track
method to record any actions your customers perform. Each action is known as an event
and corresponds to an event type
. Calling track
through one of our SDKs or via the API is the first step to getting experimentation data into Split and allows you to measure the impact of your features on your users' actions and metrics. Learn more about using track events in Split.
In the examples below, you can see that the .track()
method can take up to four arguments. The proper data type and syntax for each are:
- TRAFFIC_TYPE: The traffic type of the key in the track call. The expected data type is String. You can only pass values that match the names of traffic types that you have defined in your instance of Split.
EVENT_TYPE: The event type that this event should correspond to. The expected data type is String. Full requirements on this argument are:
- Contains 63 characters or fewer.
- Starts with a letter or number.
- Contains only letters, numbers, hyphen, underscore, or period.
- This is the regular expression we use to validate the value:
- VALUE: (Optional) The value is used to create the metric. This field can be sent in as null or 0 if you intend to purely use the count function when creating a metric. The expected data type is Integer or Float.
- PROPERTIES: (Optional) An object of key value pairs that can be used to filter your metrics. Learn more about event property capture in the Events guide. Split currently supports three types of properties: strings, numbers, and booleans.
The track
method returns a boolean value of true
or false
to indicate whether or not the splitService was able to successfully queue the event to be sent back to Split's servers on the next event post. The service returns false
if the current queue size is equal to the config set by eventsQueueSize
or if an incorrect input to the track
method has been provided.
In the case that a bad input is provided, you can read more about our SDK's expected behavior
// The expected parameters are:
const queued: boolean = this.splitService.track('TRAFFIC_TYPE', 'EVENT_TYPE', eventValue, , { properties });
// Example with both a value and properties
const properties = {package : "premium", admin : true, discount : 50};
const queued = this.splitService.track('user', 'page_load_time', 83.334, properties);
// Example with only properties
const properties = {package : "premium", admin : true, discount : 50};
const queued = this.splitService.track('user', 'page_load_time', null, properties);
The SDK has a number of knobs for configuring performance. Each knob is tuned to a reasonable default. However, you can override the value while providing the config to the splitService.init method as shown in the Initialization section of this doc. To learn about the available configuration options, go to the JavaScript SDK Configuration section.
To get a list of features available to the Split client, you can use the methods available on splitService as shown below:
import { SplitService } from '@splitsoftware/splitio-angular';
core: {
authorizationKey: 'YOUR_SDK_KEY',
key: 'key'
storage: InLocalStorage({
prefix: 'MY_PREFIX'
// Now use the service as usual
this.splitService.sdkReady$.subscribe(() => {
// Get the array of feature flags data in SplitView format.
const views: SplitIO.SplitViews =
// Get the data of a specific feature flag in SplitView format.
const view: SplitIO.SplitView | null =
// Get the array of feature flag names.
const names: SplitIO.SplitNames =
The SplitView
object referenced above has the following structure:
type SplitView = {
name: string,
trafficType: string,
killed: boolean,
treatments: Array<string>,
changeNumber: number,
configs: {
[treatmentName: string]: string
sets: Array<string>,
defaultTreatment: string
Split SDKs send impression data back to Split servers periodically and as a result of evaluating feature flags. To additionally send this information to a location of your choice, define and attach an impression listener. For this purpose, the SDK's configurations have a parameter called impressionListener
where an implementation of ImpressionListener
could be added. This implementation must define the logImpression
method and it receives data in the following schema.
Name | Type | Description |
impression | Object | Impression object that has the feature, key, treatment, label, etc. |
attributes | Object | A map of attributes passed to getTreatment /getTreatments (if any). |
sdkLanguageVersion | String | The version of the SDK. In this case the language is browserjs plus the version currently running. |
There are two additional keys on this object, ip
and hostname
. They are not captured on the client side but kept for consistency.
Implement custom impression listener
The following is an example of how to implement a custom impression listener:
import { SplitService } from '@splitsoftware/splitio-angular';
class MyImprListener implements SplitIO.IImpressionListener {
logImpression(impressionData: SplitIO.ImpressionData) {
// do something with impressionData
core: {
authorizationKey: 'YOUR_SDK_KEY',
key: 'key'
impressionListener: {
logImpression: new MyImprListener()
An impression listener is called asynchronously from the corresponding evaluation, but is almost immediate.
Even though the SDK does not fail if there is an exception in the listener, do not block the call stack.
To enable SDK logging in the browser, open your DevTools console and type the following:
// Acceptable values are 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR' and 'NONE'
// Other acceptable values are 'on', 'enable' and 'enabled', which are equivalent to 'DEBUG' log level
localStorage.splitio_debug = 'on' <enter>
Reload the browser to start seeing the logs.
Beginning with v9.2.0 of the SDK, you can also enable the logging via SDK settings and programmatically by calling the Logger API.
import { SplitFactory } from '@splitsoftware/splitio';
const sdk: SplitIO.ISDK = SplitFactory({
core: {
authorizationKey: 'YOUR_SDK_KEY',
key: 'key'
debug: true // Debug boolean option can be passed on settings.
// Acceptable values are: 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'NONE'.
// It takes precedence over the localStorage flag.
Advanced use cases
This section describes advanced use cases and features provided by the SDK.
Instantiate multiple SDK clients
Split supports the ability to release based on multiple traffic types. For example, with traffic types, you can release to users
in one feature flag and accounts
in another. If you are unfamiliar with using multiple traffic types, refer to the Traffic type guide for more information.
Each SDK client is tied to one specific customer ID at a time, so if you need to roll out features by different traffic types, instantiate multiple SDK clients, one for each traffic type. For example, you may want to roll out the feature user-poll
by users
and the feature account-permissioning
by accounts
You can do this with the example below:
import { SplitService } from '@splitsoftware/splitio-angular';
core: {
authorizationKey: 'YOUR_SDK_KEY',
// instantiate the sdk and service once and provide the ID for one of the
// traffic types that you plan to release to. It doesn't
// matter which you pick to start off with.
// to create another client for a User instead, just pass in a
// User ID to the splitService.initClient() method. This is only valid after
// at least one client has been initialized.
// check treatment for user-poll and CUSTOMER_USER_ID
const user_poll_treatment: SplitIO.Treatment =
// check treatment for account-permissioning and CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_ID
const account_permissioning_treatment: SplitIO.Treatment =
// track events for accounts
this.splitService.track('CUSTOMER_USER_ID','account', 'PAGELOAD', 7.86);
// or track events for users
this.splitService.track('user', 'ACCOUNT_CREATED');
In every getTreatment and track method, you can add an user id as first parameter to define which client to use. If a user id parameter is not present, splitService uses the one in SDK config.
Number of SDK instances
While the SDK does not put any limitations on the number of instances that can be created, we strongly recommend keeping the number of SDKs down to one or two.
Subscribe to events
You can subscribe to four different observables of the splitService.
. This event fires once the SDK is ready to evaluate treatments using a version of your rollout plan cached in localStorage from a previous session (which might be stale). If there is data in localStorage, this event fires almost immediately, since access to localStorage is fast; otherwise, it doesn't fire. -
. This event fires once the SDK is ready to evaluate treatments using the most up-to-date version of your rollout plan, downloaded from Split servers. -
. This event fires if there is no cached version of your rollout plan cached in localStorage, and the SDK could not download the data from Split servers within the time specified by thereadyTimeout
configuration parameter. This event does not indicate that the SDK initialization was interrupted. The SDK continues downloading the rollout plan and fires thesdkReady$
event when finished. This delayedsdkReady$
event may happen with slow connections or large rollout plans with many feature flags, segments, or dynamic configurations. -
. This event fires whenever your rollout plan is changed. Listen for this event to refresh your app whenever a feature flag or segment is changed in the Split user interface.
The syntax to subscribe for each Observable is shown below:
function whenReady() {
const treatment: SplitIO.Treatment = this.splitService.getTreatment('FEATURE_FLAG_NAME');
if (treatment === 'on') {
// insert on code
} else if (treatment === 'off') {
// insert off code
} else {
// insert control code (usually the same as default treatment)
// the service is ready for start making evaluations with your data
this.splitService.sdkReady$.subscribe(() => {
this.splitService.sdkReadyTimedOut$.subscribe(() => {
// this callback will be called after 1.5 seconds if and only if the client
// is not ready for that time. You can still call getTreatment()
// but it could return CONTROL.
this.splitService.sdkUpdate$.subscribe(() => {
// fired each time the client state change.
// For example, when a feature flag or segment changes.
console.log('The SDK has been updated!');
// This event will fire only using the LocalStorage option and if there's Split data stored in the browser.
this.splitService.sdkReadyFromCache$.subscribe(() => {
// Fired after the SDK could confirm the presence of the Split data.
// This event fires really quickly, since there's no actual fetching of information.
// Keep in mind that data might be stale, this is NOT a replacement of sdkReady.
Angular Guard
These utilities provide an Angular Guard that allows you to avoid loading an angular component if the SDK is not ready.
import { SplitioGuard } from '@splitsoftware/splitio-angular';
const routes: Routes = [
path: 'feature',
component: FeatureComponent,
// with this guard, featureComponent doesn't load until the SDK is ready
canActivate: [SplitioGuard]
imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }
Example apps
The following are example applications detailing how to configure and instantiate the Split Angular utilities on commonly used platforms.
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